The mission of the American College of Health & Sciences is to prepare qualified individuals to succeed in a competitive and demanding health care industry.

Welcome to ACHS
We are so pleased that you have made the decision to become an ACHS student. You are about to begin an important journey as you prepare for a new career. The next month will be challenging, exciting, and intense as you learn new skills. Your success is a shared goal. Your success is the accomplishment that brings great pride to the faculty, staff and fellow students. We will work with you to build a college experience that will take your career to greatness. Our values are excellence, community, celebration of differences, and ACHS offers valuable programs, excellent faculty and competitive student services in an energized and multi-cultural environment. We are dedicated to providing you with the knowledge and skills necessary for your dreams to be fulfilled. unrelentless commitment to academic and professional success.
We invite you to share our values with enthusiasm for the achievement of your personal and professional endeavors. Again, welcome and I congratulate you on choosing ACHS for your educational pursuits and career development.
Yours truly,
Delilah Bartolome
Delilah Bartolome, President

History of ACHS
American College of Health & Sciences was established in July 2011 by a group of health care professionals with a desire to impact the quality of workers entering into the health care industry. The desire began twenty years ago when a group of nurses experienced first hand the special needs of patients suffering from renal disease. Since 1996, Delilah Bartolome served as a nursing supervisor in renal centers in various locations in America. Because of her experiences, she has made a personal and professional commitment to establish a school for allied health careers. The dream came into existence with the establishment of American College of Health Sciences. In collaboration with a group of health professionals with over 20 years of experience, the college was designed to offer the Florida community the best in allied health education.

ACHS is a two-story building, approximately 12,000 square feet of air-conditioned space. Parking is available for students, staff and faculty.
The ACHS environment is highly conducive to learning with a facility consisting of clinical areas, workstations, classrooms, a high technological Learning Resources Center and lounges for faculty and staff. The building is located close to public transportation.
American College of Health & Sciences is a LLC company established in the state of Florida.
Delilah Bartolome, President
Carmelle Casamir-Board member
Elmo Bartolome, Chief Financial Officer
Nemia L/ Schulte, Board member
The Universal Kidney Centers are headquartered in contemporary, modern one–story buildings in Florida, providing modern kidney treatment facilities and hemodialysis equipment with service that is second to none.